The main goal of the UX is to provide an amazing experience to the final user and make his life easier within the process he’s involved. No matter if this process implies a product, an app or whatever.

And if you don’t trust me, then trust Don Norman:

The understanding of user needs or designing a consistent user journey it’s not a matter of time, and it uses to collide with our daily job.
It takes time to research, to make interviews, to discover needs as well as understand the nature of the problem you are facing.

Unfortunately, we all have deadlines that make us sweat.


When you’re working on a project, probably you have to deal with the client and other departments with their own interests. Just like yours.
In this case, the UX role behaves like a central point that receives and process information and requirements from many sites.

So, we have:
1. Deadlines that drown us.
2. User needs that are waiting to be attended.
3. Others department requirements to take into account.

In this scenario, you would maybe want to be brave and put the world on your shoulders:

Take it easy.

We all want to show proactivity and be the problem-solver we’re supposed to be. However, follow this path could bring us chaos, less quality, and your users won’t get the incredible experience that I’m sure you could create.

At this point, perhaps you’re thinking about changing your job and quit the UX. However, you’re a professional and you’re a fighter, so don’t give up so easily. There are several things you can do:

1. Defend the UX process and the time it takes.

It’s not easy to negotiate with other departments, especially when a deadline is set. If you’re in an early stage of the project and you’re asked for a deadline, take your time before giving a date.

Think about all the steps you need to take in order to give a consistent and validated experience for your users.

Here you have a list of books you can read in case you want more information about different UX processes:

2. Remember you need allies.

As you know, you’re in touch with so many people from different departments. The last thing you need it’s to have enemies in your own boat. Remember what Walter White said:

You know how crucial your work is, and you have to defend it. Try to include every person involved in the project into the UX process. Show them your results, bring them to the interviews, or give a workshop. Let them feel your work.

3. Breathe and start again.

Every project is a patience-test. Struggling with other people could be exhausting and there will be moments you’ll need a break.
Don’t’ worry. It’s OK to take a break and breathe. Take a walk, take a run, or do whatever you enjoy the most.
Just remember to come back stronger the next morning focused on the amazing experience your users will get because of your work.


<span style="font-size:80%">Autor </span><a href="" target="_self">Juan Carlos Diez</a>

Autor Juan Carlos Diez

Nov 3, 2017

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